The Forlorn Path story begins in the fall of 2008 in an inconspicuous college house in New Brunswick, NJ. The original line-up (Yuriy Garnaev, Ray Dib, Alex Fiore, and Dave Imbriaco) culled a diverse blend of influences, including death metal, folk, jazz, noise, and black metal. What they did share was a desire to create music, and so they began collaborating and laying the groundwork for what would eventually become their first release as a band. Forlorn Path emerged from the basements of the New Brunswick metal scene in spring 2010 with their first EP, Being Towards Death. It feat… read more
The Forlorn Path story begins in the fall of 2008 in an inconspicuous college house in New Brunswick, NJ. The original line-up (Yuriy Garnaev, Ray Dib, Alex Fiore, and Dave Imbriaco) culled a diverse blend of influences, including death metal, folk, jazz, noise, and black metal. What they did… read more
The Forlorn Path story begins in the fall of 2008 in an inconspicuous college house in New Brunswick, NJ. The original line-up (Yuriy Garnaev, Ray Dib, Alex Fiore, and Dave Imbriaco) culled a diverse blend of influences, including death metal, folk, jazz, noise, and black metal. What they did share was a desire to create music, and so they began collaborating and… read more