Emily Alone is a collection of songs made by Florist songwriter Emily A. Sprague during a time of great stillness and isolation with the self. An attempt to capture the dark spaces between change and acknowledge their beauty. It is a natural, isolated, and momentary tangent away from the otherwise collaborative project that is Florist, while still maintaining the documentary nature of the band that, like all things, is a mutable entity in this universe. These songs, as they exist now, were born partly out of literal distance from her bandmates on the east coast, and partly out of ur… read more
Emily Alone is a collection of songs made by Florist songwriter Emily A. Sprague during a time of great stillness and isolation with the self. An att… read more
Emily Alone is a collection of songs made by Florist songwriter Emily A. Sprague during a time of great stillness and isolation with the self. An attempt to capture the dark spaces betwe… read more
1. Florist is an American indie folk band, based out of Brooklyn, New York. The brainchild music project of vocalist Emily Sprague, Florist is also comprised of bandmates Rick Spataro, Jonnie Baker and Felix Walworth (Told Slant). Beautiful, lush atmospheres and sentimental lyricism are core to what has distinguished Florist as a leading face in the current indie scene. 2. Florist is also a Finnish post-rockoriented band, formed in Mikko´s brain somewhere in the late 90´s but completed to an actual group in 2006 in Hamula, Siilinjärvi. Their diverse influenses include Mogwai, Magen… read more
1. Florist is an American indie folk band, based out of Brooklyn, New York. The brainchild music project of vocalist Emily Sprague, Florist is also comprised of bandmates Rick Spataro, Jonn… read more
1. Florist is an American indie folk band, based out of Brooklyn, New York. The brainchild music project of vocalist Emily Sprague, Florist is also comprised of bandmates Rick Spataro, Jonnie Baker and Felix Walworth (Told Slant). Beau… read more