
You can never leave your past behind
You might think you've been wasting your life
Time like these sing it out just uh la la la uh la la la
Always the darkest before the dawn
And then remember that you are not alone
Time like these sing it out just uh la la la uh la la la

Maybe it's wrong
But you gotta make it right
This is a chance to lose weak yourself

Lyrics continue below...

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Now keep on going going going
It's kinda hard
I was giving it up I was giving in
But keep on marching marching marching
We won't stop
It's good enough
If you could feel slightly better than before

Everyday I wake and something is wrong
When I'm alone it's easy to fall
Time like these sing it out just uh la la la uh la la la
淀み 哭き 黄昏 淵に立って
故無く 貼り付いていく 日々も
さしずめ 五月雨模様
Save it for a rainy day

Maybe it's wrong
But you gotta make it right
This is a chance to lose weak yourself
The Beat Don't Stop
We won't stop

Now keep on going going going
We don't stop
追い風に 旗 靡けば
Now keep on marching marching marching
鳴れ Snare
It's good enough
If you could feel slightly better than before

Going up going down you can hold your own
Gotta try gotta try just put down your phone

Writer(s): 中原 宏, 前田 速利, 大森 亘, 春日 俊亮

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