All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone is the fifth studio album from Texan post-rock band Explosions in the Sky. It was released on February 20, 2007. Many speculate the album directly references The Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger. The album title, "All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone" is a summarization of the conclusion of The Catcher In The Rye in which the main character Holden advises the reader, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody." The album's song titles make allusions to the many themes in the novel having to d… read more
All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone is the fifth studio album from Texan post-rock band Explosions in the Sky. It was released on February 20, 2007. Many… read more
All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone is the fifth studio album from Texan post-rock band Explosions in the Sky. It was released on February 20, 2007. Many speculate the album directly referen… read more
Explosions In The Sky is an American instrumentalpost-rock band, which formed in Austin, Texas in 1999. Munaf Rayani, Mark Smith, and Michael James had just moved to Austin from Midland, Texas, and drummer Chris Hrasky had just moved to Austin from Rockford, Illinois. The band quickly gained a reputation for their live shows even amongst other established local bands such as Lift To Experience. They also garnered a small amount of media attention as a result of their second album Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever, due to rumors linkin… read more
Explosions In The Sky is an American instrumentalpost-rock band, which formed in Austin, Texas in 1999. Munaf Rayani, Mark Smith, and Michael James had just moved to Austin from Midland, … read more
Explosions In The Sky is an American instrumentalpost-rock band, which formed in Austin, Texas in 1999. Munaf Rayani, Mark Smith, and Michael James had just moved to Austin from Midland, Texas, and drummer Chris Hrasky had just moved… read more