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Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
34 Edit
8 Revert
33 Edit
32 Edit

shorten redundant data

31 Edit
30 Edit

Updated BBCode

29 Edit


28 Edit
27 Edit

album policy

26 Edit

lfm markup

25 Edit

new syntax

24 Edit

reason of founding

23 Edit

fixed factbox

22 Edit


21 Edit

passus about lyrics

20 Edit

changed one date as i will replace obsolete material

19 Edit


18 Edit

Black to Goth - Opera

17 Edit

erased wiki article - lfm bio is enough

16 Edit

erased http:// in front of wiki entry

15 Edit

deleted homepage link, added wiki article

14 Edit

T to t

13 Edit

shorten even more

12 Edit

change the debut cd release to 07

11 Edit

shorten even more

10 Edit

shorten even more

9 Edit

shorten a little

8 Edit
7 Edit
6 Edit
5 Edit
4 Edit
3 Edit
2 Edit

made description english

1 Edit

Populated by the labels initial description

API Calls