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  • Years Active

    1993 – 2001 (8 years)

  • Founded In

    Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

  • Members

    • Ramon Roelofs
    • Theo Nabuurs

Dutch (Happy) Hardcore-duo.

In Utrecht at a 'Mallorca-reunion' they met each other. Ramon Roelofs (Charly Lownoise) & Theo Nabuurs (Mental Theo) had both spun the turntables one or more seasons on the Spanish island of Mallorca. Ramon, who saw his second release (as R.J.'s Rule with Rave This Nation) turn into worldwide success at the end of and at that moment very successfully went with 'Speedcity', just started his own record company, Master Maximum Records. Theo, thereafter, played on many big events such as 'Eurorave' and 'Dance To Eden'. From that moment they started working together.

After a while Theo was offered a job as an A&R Manager at a semi-big independent where he started working part-time. After this things went fast for both DJs. They created the successfull '' CDs and started their own "Speedcity Tour" which was in no time Holland's hottest hardcore act. The first eight releases on Master Maximum such as 'Blast EP', 'DJ Fuck', 'The Ultimate Sextrack', 'Tiroler Kaboemsch' and 'Riot In New York' were a big success in the world's underground hardcore scene and the MM 1009 was the crown. 'Live At London' went into the Dutch national charts and their video was played several times on VIVA in Germany and Countdown in Holland. With their single 'Wonderful Days' they signed a label deal with Polygram in and all promotion was handled by this major company with the exception of vinyl which they still handled by themselves and which was distributed by Midtown in Rotterdam.

Nowadays Ramon is member of the "Bitte Ein Beat"-crew and Theo has his own TV-show on "MTV" (Netherlands): "Mental Theo On The Road".

For the first time in 10 years, Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo played a gig in the United Kingdom. It was titled 'Back to the future old skool '07'. The event took place on April 28th .

On August 1, 2009 they played together at the Nature One's Classic Terminal in Germany.

There is the slight possibility that Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo might make a comeback back together.

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