
Corrupt ass cops
Everywhere you go
Coaching you on what to say
Walking in hand in hand

Aiding the pig in meeting his quota
They'll tell you what to say and how to feel
You begin to believe your own lies
As they get off on your vulnerability

Lyrics continue below...

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No justice
On your fabricated lies
No justice
It's all a lie

Hand in hand with the enemy
Fabricated lies that will take someone's life
And the pigs will know it's false
But they won't give a shit

No justice
On your fabricated lies
No justice
It's all a lie

Get out of here
With your bullshit lies
Can't accuse me anymore
How can you sleep at night

Get out of here
With your bullshit lies
Can't accuse me anymore
How can you sleep at night

Interrogation process passed
Now that persons lost their life

Writer(s): Auxiliö

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