
We are our own worst enemies
The lies we feed sabotage within.
You are worth more than this,
worth more than the lies you tell yourself.
Without this, what are we?
Without some hope all purpose fails.
If this is random chance, what is the purpose?
We are searching for a reason to breathe in an endless cycle of disparity.
Wake up. Breathe deep. Time has run out.
Light or dark, choose your mark.
Heavy hearts carried by strangers,
abandoned by loved ones, sinking in cold waters.
Far off shore. A maze unsolved.
Heavy hearts, sinking still.
You more than this world.
You are more than what they sell you for.
Until the end of this we will fight knuckles black and blue.
We will fight, knuckles black and blue.
You are worth blood.

Heavy hearts carried by strangers,
abandoned by loved ones, sinking in cold waters.
Far off shore. A maze unsolved.
Heavy hearts, sinking still.
Sinking, sinking, sinking still.

Writer(s): артур чаянов, андрей ворон

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