
  • Yayınlanma tarihi

    22 Ocak 2015

  • Süresi

    7 parça

Takes it’s inspiration from the relation between music and literature, Mikado was formed in 2011 by the drummer Emre Uyar and features Aslıhan Kabukçu on vocals, İsmail Cem Taşkın on electric guitar, Bora Bekiroğlu on bass. Mikado reflects, avant-garde approach in dialogue with jazz elements in to their music.
Band took inspiration from “The Happy Prince and Other Tales” by Oscar Wilde, when they were recording their first album “If You Pull”, which was released in 2015. During this period, they played at the 21th and 22th International Istanbul Jazz Festivals in addition to the acclaimed venues such as Peyote, Nardis jazz club, Mitanni, IKSV, Otto, Tamirane, Dunia, Karga, Hayal Kahvesi and Nublu. Mikado released their new single “Ceremony” in April 2016 and still continues to expand their scoop and advances in creating new music.

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