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ProgPower Europe 2009

Akphaezya, Andromeda ve 14 daha fazla sanatçı ile JC Sjiwa mekanında

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Cuma 2 Ekim 2009Pazar 4 Ekim 2009


JC Sjiwa
Hoogstraat 1a, Baarlo, Limburg, 5991 XC, Netherlands

Tel: (+31)(0)77-3961040


Haritada göster

Bilet satın al


9.7 out of 10!!!!

With "Evolution..." Enochian Theory have created a mammoth of an album. Filled with monumental landscapes, soaring melodies and a strangely hypnotic quality, this is truly an album that you can get lost in.

There are many high quality tracks on this album and it seems futile to list them all (just check out the track-listing at the bottom of this review), but one that really stood out for me was "Apathia". Could this be Enochian Theory's masterpiece? Their signature song? Maybe, but I'm sure that other listeners will have other favourites. This really is an album where it pays to give it your full attention. Every time I listen to it I spot something I missed before, or a develop a mini obsession with a different track. Also, no matter how much you listen to it, it never gets old.

A superb example of Progressive Metal with a gritty edge. Certainly worth a listen or seven.

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