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Tem 16

Dour Festival 2009

65daysofstatic, African Head Charge ve 194 daha fazla sanatçı ile La Plaine de La Machine à Feu mekanında

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Perşembe 16 Temmuz 2009Pazar 19 Temmuz 2009


La Plaine de La Machine à Feu
Rue de La Machine à Feu, Dour, 7370, Belgium

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On Sept 16th 1989 the first Waloon rock festival opened its gates for the first time. At that time the ambition was to put the village of Dour on the rock map. Twenty years later the first Belgian festival to offer several stages and a camping site has been recognised internationally. Bands and festival goers from all over Europe gather at Dour every summer. Dour is a festival where everybody feels close to each other and every gig is really an excuse to party. We all go to Dour to party TOGETHER and listen to exciting music.

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