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Haz 10

Nova Rock Festival 2020

iptal edildi

:aexattack, Alien Weaponry ve 77 daha fazla sanatçı ile Pannonia Fields II mekanında

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Etkinlik iptal edilmişti.


Çarşamba 10 Haziran 2020Cumartesi 13 Haziran 2020


Pannonia Fields II
Nickelsdorf, 2425, Austria

Haritada göster

Bilet satın al


Dear loyal Nova Rock fans, dear media partners,

Unfortunately, difficult times also require difficult decisions.
As recently announced by the Federal Chancellor in the current press conference no concerts and festivals will be allowed until the end of June.

This means that the NOVA ROCK Festival 2020 will not take place due to the tragic Covid19 pandemic and is therefore cancelled. As organizers, we stand, of course, 100% behind this government decision, although we would have preferred this decision much earlier.

It’s a shame, of course, because we were in the middle of the preparations to make the NOVA ROCK Festival 2020 another unforgettable experience for you, but this is a situation that we, as the organizers, completely understand and support. Health is the most important thing!

Please consider that all measures that have to be taken now are completely new for everyone involved. Please give us time to organize everything here and to provide you with further information as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding, trust and in advance for your patience,

Ewald Tatar and the NOVA ROCK Festival Team

Stay healthy!

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