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Kas 16

Harvest Festival

iptal edildi

Neutral Milk Hotel, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club ve 14 daha fazla sanatçı ile The Domain mekanında

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Etkinlik iptal edilmişti.


Cumartesi 16 Kasım 2013Cumartesi 16 Kasım 2013


The Domain
Mrs Macquaries Rd, Sydney, 2000, Australia

Tel: (02) 9231 8111


Haritada göster

Bilet satın al


Massive Attack will headline this year's edition of Harvest in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.

The UK outfit haven't played live in almost three years but will warm up for their Australian festival dates with a couple of shows in the UK and US next month.

They'll be joined on the bill by Scottish lads Franz Ferdinand, who dropped the lead single from their new album Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action.

As revealed earlier, the recently reunited Neutral Milk Hotel and the Eels will also be making the trip in November.

The Drones, Goldfrapp, Primus! and that Canadian 5-piece that did that multi-limbed cover of Gotye's 'Somebody That I Used To Know' that time, also scored a spot on the line up.

From JJJ

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