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Oca 18

Bugged Out Weekender 2013

Andrew Weatherall & Ivan Smagghe, Annie Mac ve 32 daha fazla sanatçı ile Butlins mekanında

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Cuma 18 Ocak 2013Pazar 20 Ocak 2013


Bognor Regis, United Kingdom

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The Bugged Out Weekender returns for its second year to start 2013 with a bang.

Last January 2500 people descended on Butlins' flagship resort for three nights of partying (and some daytime pool action too). We didn't know what to expect until gone midnight on the Friday when we were bowled over by the spirit of the crowd. There were smiles all round all weekend. And a lot of dancing (unless you got stuck on the Hello Kitty ride for hours on end).

This year Bugged Out will reflect their 18 year history with a programme consisting of all the best in techno, house, disco and bass music. The likes of Maya Jane Coles and Scuba will feature on the same bill as legends like Dave Clarke and Andrew Weatherall. Join us and start the year as you mean to go on.

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