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Spotify hesabınla hesabını bağla ve herhangi bir Spotify uygulaması, herhangi bir cihaz veya platform üzerinden dinlediğin her şeyi skropla.

Spotify'a bağlan

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Oca 14

Eurosonic 2010

65daysofstatic, Adam Tensta ve 140 daha fazla sanatçı ile Binnenstad mekanında

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Perşembe 14 Ocak 2010Cuma 15 Ocak 2010


Groningen, Netherlands


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Bilet satın al


EuroSonic is Europe’s most important live music industry conference and showcase festival for new talent, taking place on the 14th and the 15th of January 2010 in Groningen, The Netherlands. With over 2650 music professionals attending, and more than 250 showcases from the best European talent performing in 41 venues, it’s the ultimate platform for the European music industry.

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