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Haz 8


Bahratal ve Hallucinate ile Reset Club mekanında

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Cumartesi 8 Haziran 2024 tarihinde 20:00mekanında


Reset Club
Wiener Straße 34, Berlin, 10999, Germany


Haritada göster

Bilet satın al


Black/Death commando Har are summoning the rest of the wraiths from Israel to join their companions already residing in Berlin for a short tour and obviously we had to build a Saturday evening delight around this prime cut delicacy.

So in swoop Bahratal from Prague with their punk-infected black metal (members of Snet, so you know we are not kidding when we say it’s BESTIAL) and from Oldenburg Hallucinate are finally descending on Berlin, ready to present the psychedelic visions derived from eating the fungi grown on the corpse of their previous incarnation, Graveyard Ghoul. Like a midsummer night’s dream after a strong sip from the witches’ cauldron.

Bring your kids!

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