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Haz 9

Parti cloi Gŵyl Tawe: Melin Melyn

Melin Melyn, Mali Hâf ve Y Dail ile The Bunkhouse Bar and Music Venue mekanında

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Pazar 9 Haziran 2024 tarihinde 18:00mekanında


The Bunkhouse Bar and Music Venue
24 Park St, Swansea , SA1 3DJ, United Kingdom


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Mae Melin Melyn yn dychwelyd i The Bunkhouse, Abertawe ar gyfer sioe arbennig i gloi dathliadau Gŵyl Tawe! Ymunwch â ni ar ddydd Sul y 9fed o Fehefin yn dilyn y brif ŵyl yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau i orffen y penwythnos mewn steil.

Ers dod i'r amlwg o gymoedd heulog Cymru, mae Melin Melyn wedi syfrdanu gwrandawyr yn gyson gyda'u cyfuniad unigryw o surf-rock, gwerin a phop seicedelig sydd wedi eu gosod ar wahân i bron pob band cyfoes arall ac sydd wedi arwain at gymariaethau haeddiannol â Super Furry Animals a Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

Roedd eu gig olaf yn The Bunkhouse wedi gwerthu mas, felly gwnewch yn siŵr i fachu eich tocynnau'n gyflym!

+ cefnogaeth gan Mali Hâf + Y Dail


Melin Melyn return to The Bunkhouse, Swansea for a special headline show to close the Gŵyl Tawe celebrations! Join us on Sunday the 9th of June following the main festival at the National Waterfront Museum to round off the weekend in style.

Since emerging from the sun kissed valleys of Wales, Melin Melyn have constantly confounded listeners with their unique blend of psychedelic surf-rock, folk and pop that set them apart from almost all other modern contemporaries and have drawn deserved comparisons to Super Furry Animals and Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci.

Their last gig at The Bunkhouse was a sell-out, so make sure to grab your tickets quickly!

+ support from Mali Hâf + Y Dail

£10 ADV

16+ yn unig / only

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