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Eyl 29

Crowbar Sydney mekanında

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Pazar 29 Eylül 2019


Crowbar Sydney
345 Parramatta Rd, Leichhardt, 2040, Australia


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Broken Hive, Destroy All Lines & Greyscale Records Present:

The Final Australian Tour
with special guests
to be announced

Sunday 29 September
Crowbar, Sydney 18+
Doors at 7:00 pm

Tickets On Sale Friday 17 May @ 10am

After two barnstorming tours of Australia, Backtrack will return for one last time in September as they farewell the faithful before calling it a day on a career that has lasted over a decade and seen them play to loyal hardcore fans across the world. Known for their hard edged no nonsense hardcore style and electric live performances, there won’t be anyone standing still as Backtrack take to the stages of Australia once more.

Last seen on these shores in early 2014, Backtrack have maintained a raucous pace, delivering their third album Bad To My World in 2017 while touring endlessly with the top dogs of hardcore in their native USA and throughout Europe.

Now comes the time to say goodbye, but the New York natives couldn’t have a final tour with a stop in one of their favourite places. So dust off the chains and get ready to get on stage, because you have one last chance to dance and Backtrack are going to make sure it's not one you will forget.

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