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Foxtel Festival Hub mekanında

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Pazar 25 Ekim 2015 tarihinde 21:00mekanında


Foxtel Festival Hub
Southbank of Yarra River, east of Princes Bridge (opposite Fed Square), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, Australia


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Founded by its only constant member, Mark E. Smith, English group The Fall, formed in Manchester, has gained a cult following since its inception.

The group’s sound has changed stylistically over the decades while maintaining a distinctive abrasive guitar-driven sound and frequent use of repetition, underpinned by Smith’s distinctive vocals and often cryptic lyrics.

Noted for its prolific output, The Fall have released 31 studio albums—including their latest Sub-Lingual Tablet—and more than triple that including live albums and compilations.

The current Fall line-up is Peter Greenway (lead guitar), Keiron Melling (drums), Daren Garratt (drums), Elena Poulou (keyboards,vocals), Mark E. Smith (vocals) and David Spurr (bass).

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