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Tem 9

The Tenth ve Torpor ile The Unicorn mekanında

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Perşembe 9 Temmuz 2015 tarihinde 20:00mekanında


The Unicorn
227 Camden Road, London, NW1 9AA, United Kingdom

Tel: 020 7485 3073


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The low end, riff laden, huge sound of The Tenth is unleashed live at The Unicorn Camden Live, where they will be laying down music that gigantic monsters fuck and fight to. The Tenth are jointly stupidly happy to announce that the insanely good Shitwife will be joining us to drop their beat crazy, heavy as fuck electro bass heavy madness that will no doubt whip the floor into a frenzy. And my, my if that wasn't enough we have now confirmed the sludge immense skill of the undeniably heavy as fuck TORPOR to make this truly a line up that simply cannot be ignored.
And to top all this off, it's all FREE. That's right. A free night of heavy fucking awesome music and not a penny to pay.
Carve it into your arms...

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