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Nis 17

The New Parish mekanında

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Cuma 17 Nisan 2015 tarihinde 21:00mekanında


The New Parish
579 18th Street, Oakland, CA 94612, United States

Tel: (510) 444-7474


Haritada göster

Bilet satın al


The first life (‘who am I and where am I going?’). Fantastic Negrito was raised in an orthodox Muslim household. His father was a Somali-Caribbean immigrant who mostly played traditional African music. When, at the age of 12, Negrito’s family moved from Massachusetts to Oakland, he was hit with an intense culture shock. Oakland in 1970s was a million miles from Negrito’s conservative childhood. He went from Arab chants to Funkadelic in one day, living in the heart of one of the wildest, most infamous, most vibrant black communities in the nation. Shit was extra real in Oakland.

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