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Şub 14

Kraftwerk: 'Tour de France'

Kraftwerk ile Tate Modern mekanında

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Perşembe 14 Şubat 2013


Tate Modern
Bankside, London, SE1 9TG, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)20 7887 8888


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German electronic music pioneers Kraftwerk play eight live performances in Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall in their first London dates since 2004.
KRAFTWERK - THE CATALOGUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is a chronological exploration of the group’s sonic and visual experiments and presents eight classic master works from across their celebrated repertoire with spectacular 3D visualisations and effects.
Combining sound and images, the performances showcase nearly 40 years of musical and technical innovation, including new improvisations, 3D projections and animation. Commencing with Autobahn, each night covers one of Kraftwerk’s groundbreaking studio albums in full and appear in order of their release — Autobahn (1974), Radio-Activity (1975), Trans Europe Express (1977), The Man-Machine (1978), Computer World (1981), Techno Pop (1986), The Mix (1991) and Tour de France (2003) — alongside additional compositions from their back-catalogue.

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