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May 10

Hauschka with Samuli Kosminen (Múm) + Minotaur Shock

Hauschka, Minotaur Shock ve Samuli Kosminen ile 100 Club mekanında

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Salı 10 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde 19:30mekanında


100 Club
100 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1LL, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7636 0933


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Arctic Circle presents:
Hauschka with Samuli Kosminen (Múm)
+ Minotaur Shock

with DJ set from Ryan Teague
100 Club - 100 Oxford St, London W1D 1LL 020 7636 0933


Doors 7.30pm

Tickets £12 advance / £15 on door

Album launch for Salon Des Amateurs

Hauschka (Fat Cat) is the alias of German pianist / composer Volker Bertelmann, who currently resides in Dusseldorf. Having studied classical piano for ten years, his work as Hauschka is based upon a playful exploration of the possibilities of the 'prepared' piano - a playfully disruptive intervention into the preconceived idea of the piano as a pure-toned, perfected instrument waiting for a gifted virtuoso to play on it.

Tonight see’s the launch of his new album ‘Salon des Amateurs’. This album sees the artist utilising the percussive qualities of the treated piano for a unique take on techno and house music. Expanded to include drum kit and orchestral instrumentation (on record), the album is a rousing set of dance tracks. Named after the club/bar in his native Düsseldorf, where Hauschka (aka Volker Bertelmann) presents an annual piano festival – follows a night out around the Salon, itself a “stand for unselfish programming and creating a space for development and possibilities that are normally not created”, to borrow Hauschka’s description.

Hauschka will be joined tonight by Samuli Kosminen on percussion, who played on the new record.


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