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Ara 15

JAMES: The Night Before The Morning After Tour

James ve The Pigeon Detectives ile De Montfort Hall mekanında

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Çarşamba 15 Aralık 2010


De Montfort Hall
Granville Road, Leicester, LE1 7RU, United Kingdom

Tel: 0116 233 3111


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Tickets go on general sale at 9am on Friday 23rd April, but if you want to participate in the fan pre-sale for preferential tickets, this begins at 9am on Wednesday 21st April and these tickets will only be available for 48 hours from the ticket shop on

In other news, the new mini-album The Night Before is in stores now, and you can pick up a copy from our shop for just £4.95 plus p&p (we ship worldwide) here:, or from your friendly neighbourhood record store.

Volume two will be released on Monday 2nd August, and is entitled ‘The Morning After’. The band are presently ensconced in a top secret location, writing and recording this album in a natural and spontaneous manner, jamming away in a big room together, in stark contrast to the technological wizardry through which the first volume evolved.

There will also be the opportunity to buy the new mini-album The Night Before and to pre-order the sequel, ‘The Morning After’, while making your ticket purchase.

See the news page for further details, at

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