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Carla Bozulich's Evangelista

Evangelista, Fuzzy Lights ve Gareth Dickson ile Cafe OTO mekanında

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Salı 13 Ekim 2009


Cafe OTO
18-22 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL, United Kingdom


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This is their ONLY London show for the launch of the new album, The Prince Of Truth, released October 5 on Constellation.

"To my ears, Carla Bozulich is one of the most recognizable female vocalists of the past twenty years or so." -

"Its diversity, boldness and overall quality has compelled me to delve into Bozulich's past work with fresh, enthusiastic ears." -

"Rife with suspense, drama, and a grisly cast of characters, Voyager's probably more likely to ignite your inner playwright than get your foot tapping, but it's still a cathartic rush all the same." - Pitchfork

"This is a fascinating record that enjoys toying with musical boundaries ..." - Drowned in Sound

Carla Bozulich is best known as the singer from LA-based band Gerladine Fibbers and as the woman who re-made Willie Nelson’s Red Headed Stranger – with Willie Nelson as a special guest. Carla has one of the most unique voices in any genre. Her work is at once brutally raw and weirdly visionary.

Born in New York City, she grew up a tomboy and girl protector in San Pedro, CA. Carla’s first appearance on record is Gary Kail’s album from 1982 called Zurich 1916, on which she does dada-inspired worldplay, “you know, telephone and vacuum cleaner stuff”. She sang in a couple of groups – the Neon Veins and Invisible Chains, the latter of which recorded an album for The Minutemen’s New Alliance label when Carla was 18 years old.

Carla disappeared from daylight for a few years, re-emerged, and was soon causing traffic jams as the gamine howler in the confrontational sex/sound assault outfit Ethyl Meatplow. In 1993, before Ethyl’s last gasp, Carla founded The Geraldine Fibbers, going on to record and tour incessantly with that band until 1998. Scarnella followed, a duo formed with Nels Cline, and a decidedly uncommercial, open, experimental project.

In 2001 she scored a Los Angeles production of Jean Genet’s The Maids and the award-winning feature film By Hook Or By Crook, which she scored and for which she compiled the soundtrack, went to Sundance in 2003. That same year saw the release of Carla’s new rendition of Willie Nelson’s Red Headed Stranger. She has also explored mixed media and performance art, including a commission for The Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

In 2005 Carla rekindled a decade-old connection with Montreal-based musicians affiliated with the Constellation label, leading to a recording at that city’s legendary Hotel2Tango studio, and the release of her Evangelista album on Constellation. Received with high critical praise, the record would find its way onto many year-end best lists, and lead to extensive touring around Europe and North America, including performances at the Festival International de Musique Actuelle de Victoriaville (Canada) and Bad Bonn Kilbi (Swizterland) among others.

In 2007, Evangelista became the official band name of Carla’s project, and her follow-up record for Constellation was once again recorded at the Hotel2Tango in Montreal, with core co-conpirators Tara Barnes and Shahzad Ismaily, and contributions from a large cast of Montreal-based musicians. The last record, entitled Hello, Voyager, has been released in March 2008.

Fuzzy Lights

"A soothing, welcoming listen. Those who like a bit of emotional substance and subtle complexity to their spellbinding ambient noise are advised to navigate by Fuzzy Lights." Drowned in Sound
"A truly mystical record that defies expectation. Stunning." Planet Sound (7/10)
"A Distant Voice is dense music that pulls at tiny crevices in your soul, slowly unfolding before you." The Line Of Best Fit
"..a record to lose yourself in' Clash Magazine
"...just perfect for deliciously gloomy days when you want the atmosphere to be reflectively beautiful." Plan B
"If you like Grizzly Bear and that sort of thing this should be right up your street. It's gorgeous!" Huw Stephens, Radio 1
"The east of England's answer to Dirty 3." Verity Sharpe, The Late Junction, Radio 3
Gareth Dickson

"From Glasgow, this beautiful music arrived in June 2005. A solo artist singing and playing acoustic guitar - sometimes effected, his songs slip between a beautifully sparse, emotive fragility (recalling Nick Drake, Bert Jansch, etc.) and denser instrumentals (recalling Eno or Labradford). Very cool stuff." Fatcat Records

"Where Dickson excels is with his unique use of the guitar as a sound making body. A glorious object in which to explore rich landscapes, the drone in song, and acoustic ambience. This is beautiful music, music in the act of levitation, a ghostly presence; almost tangible but never within reach." Mark Harwood for Polymorphic Music

"We love the album (Spruce Goose)" Boomkat

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