
Kwamie Liv is a Danish-Zambian artist, singer and songwriter. She released the Lost In The Girl EP in 2014 and her debut studio album Lovers that Come and Go in November 2018.
In 2014 she released the Lost in the Girl EP, which received positive reception. The following year she released a collaboration single "Remember Me, In Every Cloud of Gold" with Angelo Badalamenti, which was part of the sound track for the Danish movie Guldkysten. She performed at the Roskilde Festival in 2015.
Between 2016 and 2018, Liv did not release any music but rather drawings and photographs on social media.She started working on her first full-length album in early 2018,and later the same year Lovers that Come and Go was released. Production and album art by Copenhagen-based producer Baby Duka.
Her "dark pop" style is connected to the "down-tempo electro-pop scene".

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