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Prot(o) is a Brazilian rock band. It has begun its activities in january 1999, in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. Before that, Prot(o) was a studio solo project of Carlos Pinduca (Maskavo Roots former guitarrist). Among its members are Pedro Ivo, bass and voice, Tharsis, guitar and voice, Cristóvão, drums and the already mentioned Pinduca, vocal and guitar. Prot(o)'s compositions become from a mix of influences of brazilian artists, such as Mutantes, Roberto Carlos, Caetano Veloso e Inocentes, with international bands, like Beatles, Mano Negra, The Clash and Mudhoney. The band has in its curriculum more than 100 shows not only in its hometown but also in several brazilian cities (Goiânia, Ribeirão Preto, Recife, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro). Talking about gigs, Prot(o) has played in some of the most important Brazilian independent music festivals: four times in Porão do Rock, to more than 80 thousand people; many Bananada and Goiânia Noise editions; and in the Abril Pro Rock (2002) in Recife and São Paulo editions, where it could do the opening for Stephen Malkmus, Pavement ex-leader. In june 2003, the band released its first album, by Monstro Discos. The album, produced by Philippe Seabra (Plebe Rude vocalist) and Iuri Freiberger (Tom Bloch), was reviewed with compliments among the Brazilian main comunication vehicles, such as O Globo, Folha de São Paulo, Diário de Pernambuco; and other music magazines, like Zero, Dynamite and Simples; and several websites (Senhor F, Urbanaque, Reciferock, etc). Its debut album also achieved the third place in pop-rock genre, best of the year 2003 election of Correio Braziliense newspaper (standing behind only to Los Hermanos and Marcelo D2, artists of national mainstrem projection, and ahead of Skank e Mundo Livre S/A). The album also was elected "best of the year 2003, by the Alucináticos website. In may 2005, the band begun to record its second album, with the production of Rafael Farret (Bois de Gerião vocalist) and Zé Pedro Gollo (musician, producer and movie maker). In the same year, Prot(o) had two songs included in the movie "A Concepção", which its soundtrack won the Brasília Cinema Festival. Prot(o)'s second album was released in july 2006 and has been receiving positive reviews from the press (O Globo, Folha de S.P., Correio Braziliense, Jornal de Brasília, VIP magazine) and also from websites like Senhor F, Poppycorn and IG, among others.

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