
  • Data de lançamento

    21 Setembro 2018

  • Duração

    1 faixa

Here Comes The Change is a song recorded for the film On the Basis of Sex. The film and subsequently the song were inspired by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Ruth is one of the leading activists for women and equality, co-founding the Women’s Rights Project for the ACLU, convincing the Supreme Court to extend protections covered by the Equal Protection Clause to women, and much more. Kesha penned an essay on the song for Refinery29, detailing its background and how past advocates were the muse for the single.

"I know many people from my generation are cynical about politics — and I don’t blame anyone for that cynicism. But the key thing to remember is this: If we don’t participate, if we don’t make our voices heard, things will only get worse. In order to create the lasting change we want, we have to stay involved and above all, we have to vote. This feeling is at the heart of the new song."

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