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Mar 14

Gripin, Twenty7

Com Gripin e Twenty7 em Brick & Mortar Music Hall

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Sábado 14 de Março de 2015 às 21h00m


Brick & Mortar Music Hall
1710 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States


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Formed in 2000, Gripin is a 4-member pop/rock band. It recently gained recognition in US Billboard Magazine as one of the fastest growing bands in the world and has been selected to perform at SXSW for a second time in a row. During the last 2 years, Gripin performed over 200 concerts in Europe, Australia, Azerbaijan, and the United States with internationally known acts such as Cake, Evanescence, and Franz Ferdinand. The band released its first album in 2004, the second edition of the first album in 2005, a self-titled album in 2007, its third album in 2010, and its latest album in 2012. The band has won numerous awards, landed commercial deals, and licensed its songs to several television sitcoms.

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