
1.Babylon Burn 04:10
2.'Bout The Money 03:22
3.Spiral Down 03:23
4.In the Morning 03:43

Extracted from the EP “ THE SHOWCASE”

Sr. Dubong debuts his first ep featuring the mighty Cedric Miller.

Cedric Miller was one of the alter-egos of Baltazar Gallego aka Razat who unfortunately passed away last year. Razat was not just a great person but also a great musician and producer. There is a lot of his work on the internet so go check it! This EP connects two friends with different backgrounds and musical styles in an uncompromised dub style!

released November 18, 2019

Production : Sr. Dubong & Cedric Miller
Lyrics : Cedric Miller
Mixing : Sr. DuBong
Mastering : Hugo Santos
Artwork : Khemet Eye

Recorded at Lisburn Studios (Chelas, Lisboa - Portugal)

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