
  • Data wydania

    12 września 2018

  • Czas trwania

    15 utworów

After Split’s first appearance on the label two years ago and the release of his first EP “Rockaz”, we’ve decided to do it right and release his first ever LP on ISR. A neat conflation of sound. while caring for the dungeon dubstep feel, Split manages to reach out to his Jazz and hiphop influences which is why you can pick up a strong presence of well positioned riddim patterns. But also, most of the tracks are carried by solid leads and harmonics which sets up the right balance between drums and ambient sounds so you can follow the journey with ease. Two Skies is the showcase of two long years of hard work and has definitely paid off. Re-visited originals includes versions from old-timers Morrison & LNix. Wreckage who’s kept momentum since his first release with us, but also Michael Dayne who remains consistent in his music and style. To finish with, we’ve got a new family member Kurt Roc Skee entering the arena with a monstrous 2 timer. Enjoy!

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