
1. "Genesis" Genesis 1:09
2. "Salt in the Wounds" 6:38
3. "Watercolour" 5:03
4. "Set Me on Fire" 5:02
5. "Crush" 4:13
6. "Under the Waves" Rob Swire, Ben Mount, Paul Harding 4:55
7. "Immunize" (feat. Liam Howlett) Rob Swire, Liam Howlett 4:36
8. "The Island - Pt. I Dawn" 5:20
9. "The Island - Pt. II Dusk" 4:09
10. "Comprachicos" Rob Swire, Gareth McGrillen 2:48
11. "The Vulture" Rob Swire, Ben Mount 4:03
12. "Witchcraft" Rob Swire, Gareth McGrillen 4:12
13. "Self vs Self" (feat. In Flames) Rob Swire, Anders Fridén, Björn Gelotte 4:45
14. "The Fountain" (feat. Steven Wilson) Rob Swire, Steven Wilson 5:00
15. "Encoder" Rob Swire, Peredur ap Gwynedd 5:21

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