
I've heard it first on Nectarine ( and it sounded weird. So weird, that I've been instantly attracted to it. It was very hard to find any information about the Artist and the album. The release date provided here is date of adding the album to, which (beside Nectarine) seems to be the only place in internet with any information about it. The comments in profiles for every track in Nectarine look like copied from somewhere, but I couldn't track them back to the source. This mystery even sharpened my appetite, so I've quickly downloaded whole set and immersed into peculiar sound. The album is conceptual and experimental. All the mind-bobbling sounds seem to be achieved with very simple means, but with mastery and passion, which brought in mind the pioneers from BBC Radiophonic Workshop: peculiar harmonies and resonance, distortion and contagious rhythms. The vocals are, however, horrible. Some barrier in reception may be also the language chosen – but we shall not argue with the artist. The songs themselves are in vast variety of lengths and moods, although whole album is kept meditative, even if not really "down-tempo". Szaman is somehow disturbing, where Czekam quite otherwise: calming and nostalgic. Even through simplicity of of means, the goal of inducing proper feelings to the listener was achieved. And for that the fair rate:(+++++++—). An amazing experience.

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