
2010 Bonus Live DVD/Special Edition CD

All songs written and composed by Glenn Tipton, Rob Halford and K.K. Downing except where noted..
No. Title Length
1. "Rapid Fire" 4:18
2. "Metal Gods" 4:34
3. "Breaking the Law" 2:43
4. "Grinder" 4:06
5. "United" 3:45
6. "You Don't Have to Be Old to Be Wise" 5:24
7. "Living After Midnight" 4:53
8. "The Rage" 5:04
9. "Steeler" 5:23
10. "The Ripper" (Tipton) 3:09
11. "Prophecy" (DVD & iTunes version only) 6:12
12. "Hell Patrol" 3:57
13. "Victim of Changes" (Al Atkins, Downing, Halford, Tipton) 9:29
14. "Freewheel Burning" 5:49
15. "Diamonds & Rust" (Joan Baez) 4:07
16. "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" 8:58

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