
  • Data wydania

    1 września 2019

  • Czas trwania

    8 utworów

1.Interstellar Terminal 10:06
2.Electromagnetic Radiation 08:03
3.Vector Reconfiguration 08:36
4.Infinite Range 07:57
5.Chaos Geometry 09:53
6.Supermassive Black Hole 09:40
7.Hydrogen Spirals 06:42
8.Cryostasis Hypersleep 08:18

The second full-length album by Distant System.
released September 1, 2019

This album is dedicated to Yevgeniy Dzhangiryan aka Janco

All tracks written and produced by Tyler Smith
Recorded and engineered by Tyler Smith at Androcell Studio - North America

Mastering by Vincent Villuis at Ultimae Studios
email: website:

Artwork and layout by Tyler Smith

For more info or feedback contact:

℗ + © Distant System 2019. All rights reserved
All rights of the owner of this recorded work reserved.
Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance,
and broadcasting of this record is prohibited.

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