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Formed in 2009, Dirty Loops is a Swedish power trio that twists pop music in a way never done before. The long time friends and fellow musicians - Jonah (vox, keys), Henrik (bass) and Aaron (drums), all have very unique individual skills which contribute to the "Dirty Loops Sound." Where modern hits get a new soundscape of bouncy beats, interesting re-harmonizations, but still with the hit melody in focus presented by Jonah's incredible, wide ranged vocals. Their unmatched musicianship and unique arrangement skills are a rarity in today's world.
The band, has already attracted the attention of such industry giants like Desmond Child, Dallas Austin and Andreas Carlsson, who recently signed them as songwriter's and artists to his newly formed management company on their version of Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" alone.

"Just Dance," their first video released in November 2010, became a huge success and without any promotion, was viewed over 100,000 times and shared on Facebook by over 10,000 people within two months.

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