
  • Data wydania

    8 kwietnia 2016

  • Czas trwania

    5 utworów

Mariner is a concept album, much the same way most Cult of Luna albums are concept albums, with a theme and often a story unfolding as it plays.

On the theme of Mariner, the band had this to say:
At the end of Vertikal, we stood in the cold harshness of the mechanical city and looked up onto the stars. We lost ourselves in the awe of their grace and thought that maybe the answer is to be found above. The ship was leaking and by the look of it, our home was dying. No room for fear when a greater call demands your full attention. So, we left… Onward, forward. Like the old seafarers, we explored the vastness of space. Not bound by physical laws we pass the speed of light and chase the expansion of space until we reach its limit. And then, we continued on and disappeared. This is our story.

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