
  • Data wydania

    30 listopada 2010

  • Czas trwania

    11 utworów

Crow Black Sky's debut album, 'Pantheon' had such a massive impact that it gained the band over a hundred thousand fans worldwide in a matter of months, making it one of the most successful metal bands ever to have hailed out of South Africa…

The album garnered critical acclaim from a host of international reviewers, praising the album as, for example, 'The greatest way to blend Amon Amareth, Opeth and Behemoth'.

Musically, the band is based on a unique style: drawing influence from throughout the etreme metal spectrum and occasionally utilizing progressive, classical and accoustic elements, 'Pantheon' holds a balance between skilled musicianship, atmosphere, intricate riff-work and a heavyt foundation of 'blackened metal' laid down by three seven-string guitarists.

On stage, crow black sky delivers monolithic live performances that are considered utterly awe-inspiring spectacles, which easily envelop any metal audience in a shroud of music entrancement.

A remastered version of 'Pantheon' was released for free download in January 2012.

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