
BDS debut album released in 2001.

Produced by Joe Bouchard
Co-produced by Dennis Dunaway and Neal Smith

Recorded at Millbrook Studio's in New York state.


- Joe Bouchard: Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards, Baritone Guitar, Mandolin
- Dennis Dunaway: Bass Guitar and Lead Vocals on 'The Real Thing'
- Neal Smith: Drums, Percussion and Vocals

Additional Musicians

- Matt Smith: Slide guitar on 5 and 12. Lap Steel on 6. Slide Mandolin and Ukilele on 8.
- Patty Gasmond and Wrin Kenedy: Backing Vocals on 3, 8, 9 and 12


1. I Want Two (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith)
2. Having The Time Of My Life (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith, Hunter)
3. Vampire Night (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith)
4. The Joke's On You (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith)
5. Diner Girl (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith)
6. Love You Too Much (Hunter, Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith)
7. Snake Pit Boogie (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith)
8. She Was A Bad Girl (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith)
9. Carnival Toy (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith, Abbott)
10. There Was A Girl (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith, Hunter)
11. The Real Thing (Bouchard, Dunaway, Smith, Hunter)
12. Fallen Angel (Bouchard, Wheels)

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