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  • Urodzony

    21 sierpnia 1954 (wiek 69)

  • Urodzony w

    Vadsø, Finnmark, Norwegia

Bodil Aileen Niska (born 21 August 1954 in Vadsø, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz musician (saxophone), well known for popular releases of jazz standards.

Growing up in Hammerfest she was taught music by her father, the accordion player Aksel Niska, studied under guidance of Kjell Bartholdsen, and ran the jazz club "Montenegro" (1979–89). After moving southward in Norway in 1990, Niska collaborated within the trio "Girl Talk" from 1992, including Tine Asmundsen (double bass) and Elizabeth Walker. They released the album Talkin' Jazz (1996) which sold very well. She performed within Bodil Niska Quartet, including Per Husby (piano), Stig Hvalryg (bass) and Roger Johansen (drums), at the Oslo Jazz Festival in 2005. She is also known for her collaboration with Pete Brown Trio, including Scott Hamilton and Harry Allen.

Niska has established the "Bare Jazz" store in Oslo, and a record label by the same name. For her work she received "Sildajazzprisen" in 2005 and the Oslo Jazz Festival award "Ella-prisen" in 2009.

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