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Lis 12

The piano Festival 2008

Występuje אביב גפן, Amit Erez oraz 53 wykonawców więcej w Suzanne Dallal Centre

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Środa 12 Listopad 2008Sobota 15 Listopad 2008


Suzanne Dallal Centre
Yechieli 5, Newe Ẕedeq, Israel

Tel: +972 3 510 5656


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It is the 10th year in a row that The Piano Festival takes place. During the time of its existence, this unique festival has achieved a great deal of success and has become one of the most important and original platforms in the Israeli music industry.

The Piano Festival is a celebration of Israel's top of the line musicians and performers, who combine forces and perform songs in a different adaptation than their original version,and a different take, accompanied by the piano.

As time passed, the festival has established itself as a nurturing habitat for new acts: these acts and special collaborations are rehearsed and performed especially for The Piano Festival and then – after they premier at the festival, they continue to run for months and sometimes even years in front of different audiences and throughout the country. Amongst the performers and musicians that went through this process are some of Israel's biggest performing artists, along with international talents.

As the festival celebrates it's first decade to great acclaim, this year's participants list is set to be as exclusive and surprising as always, since it will include well known artists along side new and promising talents. The main reason for this, is that The Piano Festival acknowledges itself as an important platform for new and fresh artists.

Występuje (55)

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3 wybrały się

2 zainteresowane


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