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Lut 24

Soundwave Brisbane 2007

Występuje +44, As Tall As Lions oraz 21 wykonawców więcej w Riverstage

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Sobota 24 Luty 2007Sobota 24 Luty 2007


59 Gardens Point Road, Botanical Gardens, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia

Tel: +61 7 3403 7921


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The Soundwave Festival offers a day of punk, rock and hardcore mayhem with a blistering line-up of international and home-grown bands across three stages.

Does the sight of one more self-righteous arsehole with bad hygiene and an acoustic guitar make you want to take life membership at the nearest vomitarium?

Does your answer to what you would you do with 3/4/0/0/6/7/9/2/3.5 seconds not involve corporate sponsors approving the line-up and a couple of sad middle aged gits best known for covering The Village People?

Then maybe, just maybe, Soundwave is the all day rock mayhem experience for you.

The multiple stage event will feature exclusive performances by:

Unwritten Law
Parkway Drive*
18 Visions
Juliette & The Licks
Something With Numbers
As Tall As Lions
Houston Calls
Hit The Lights

With many more bands to be announced (we're withholding a few bands for no other reason than to have a 2nd announcement - it's rather fashionable. Apparently).

And then, there is the carnival rides, market stalls, good food, affordable drinks. Did we mention we have lots of port-a-bogs?

* Parkway Drive not appearing in Perth.

Występuje (23)

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