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2008 WPRB Membership Drive

Występuje Jennifer O'Connor, Kurt Vile oraz 4 wykonawców więcej w WPRB 103.3 FM

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Środa 1 Październik 2008Środa 8 Październik 2008


WPRB 103.3 FM
Princeton, NJ, United States

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WPRB 103.3 FM, the 14,000-watt community-supported, independent radio station located in Princeton, NJ is holding its second annual Membership Drive. The drive begins on October 1st, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) and runs until October 8th, 2008. The 2008 Membership Drive will feature special programming including live in-studio performances, extended DJ sets, exclusive membership premiums – not to mention a few surprises!

Founded in 1940, WPRB is the nation’s oldest college FM station and broadcasts to the greater New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and Delaware area, as well as millions more online through its website, WPRB.com. In 2007, WPRB's trustees and its undergraduate student board of directors decided to shift to a member-supported operating model for the future, thereby allowing WPRB to maintain greater flexibility and control over its programming.

While WPRB is located on Princeton University’s campus, the station *does not* receive funding from the school. Donations pledged during this drive will support station operations – equipment maintenance, transmitter fees, merchandise, music purchases and more. Last year’s inaugural drive raised over $40,000 for WPRB’s operating budget, and demonstrated the commitment of WPRB’s listeners support for unique and varied independent radio programming.

“We came into last year’s drive with absolutely no idea how well or how poorly we would do, so it was really very exciting and encouraging when we started to see the sort of enthusiastic response that we got from people as the week went on,” said Ye “Cody” Wang, WPRB’s 2008 Development Director. “Now we’ve got a great foundation of success to build on, and we know that our listeners are 100% committed to not only keeping WPRB on the air, but also to improving and evolving our programming and presence.”

This year’s drive programming kicks off on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. with DJ Jon Solomon and special live musical guests Jennifer O’Connor (Matador Records), and Oxford Collapse (Sub Pop Records).

WPRB’s Membership Drive will also feature:

• Friday 10/3, 8:00 p.m.: Pop Recon will feature exclusive interviews with 4AD recording artists Stereolab and Philadelphia’s Public Record.

• Monday 10/6, 7:00 p.m.: x Clean Yr Room x welcomes Secretly Canadian recording artists The War On Drugs and Gulcher recording artist Kurt Vile.

• Wednesday 10/8, 6:00 a.m.: Classical Discoveries with Marvin Rosen features extended programming and special in-studio guests.

• Wednesday 10/8, 9:00 p.m.: A special live “Grand Finale” event! Stay tuned, and be surprised!

In addition to the special drive programming, WPRB will be giving away a brand new, custom-designed 2008 Toyota Yaris to one lucky listener this October, courtesy of FreeYrRadio.com. The FreeYrRadio campaign, which supports independent radio stations across the country, selected WPRB as a participating station this year, and hosted a special free benefit concert for WPRB this past summer that featured Secret Machines and DJ Dave P.

WPRB operators will be standing by at (609) 258-1033 to take pledges at all hours of the broadcasting day (usually 6AM-2AM ET). Additionally, pledges can be made online with all major credit cards by logging onto:


Exclusive membership premiums are available to pledging listeners, and can be seen online at pledge.wprb.com. This year’s premium items were designed exclusively for the drive by illustrator John Cei Douglas and DJ Maria T (host of WPRB's “Her Jazz” and “Pop Recon”).

In addition, WPRB plans to “reissue” its classic “Headphones” design, and special premium gifts – from CD’s and LP’s to signed records, box sets, DVD’s, limited edition artwork and more – will be available to listeners who pledge with a credit card at specified hours; these gifts range in value from $5 to $200 in retail value.

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