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Mar 25

Easter Annihilation Metal Festival

Występuje Distress Of Ruin, Drawn Awake oraz 3 wykonawców więcej w Backstage

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Piątek 25 Marzec 2016Sobota 26 Marzec 2016


Helsinki, Finland

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Easter Annihilation is a metal festival focusing on quality Finnish bands. The idea came from two Music business students and their successful school projects' extention. We considered that EA is bulit on a certain spirit of rebellion, where bands no matter their sizes and renown could be discovered by more people.
We have a heart on bringing smaller-quality bands under the spotlights but yet presenting bigger names for the entertainment of the audience. Thanks to Club Backstage, we are back on this year agin! If you have passion on good music and freindly -kick-back event enviorment, come join us.
More info TBA soon!

Friday 25.3.
Distress of Ruin

Saturday 26.3.

Występuje (5)

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2 wybrały się

2 zainteresowane


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