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Piątek 31 Lipiec 2015Niedziela 2 Sierpień 2015


23 Bridge Street, Sackville, Canada


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SappyFest is a little independent music festival produced annually in Sackville, New Brunswick.

SappyFest 10 will take place on July 31 - August 2, 2015

The SappyFest Mainstage site is a combination of two large tents, beer garden, merchandise market and uncovered open space with a capacity of 2000. The site is located in the heart of downtown Sackville, on Bridge Street, closing down the main commercial thoroughfare while creating a vibrant, high-profile epicentre for the festival.

Now a registered non-profit organization, SappyFest Incorporated, the festival was founded in 2006 by the good people of Sappy Records. At the time it seemed like a more feasible way to get all our friends together than a wedding, and certainly more fun than releasing records into the ether.

We hope you can make it out.

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