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Lip 17

Eaux Claires 2015

Występuje Aero Flynn, Allan Kingdom oraz 36 wykonawców więcej w Whispering Pines Campground

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Piątek 17 Lipiec 2015Sobota 18 Lipiec 2015


Whispering Pines Campground
54703 5024 Crescent Avenue, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Tel: +1 715-839-7500

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Kup bilety


After several years of touring and playing music festivals of all different types around the world, Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon wanted to put together an event that would honor his hometown of Eau Claire, Wisconsin with a festival that shine a light on less familiar and surprising elements that are already weaving themselves into our future.

Jul 17 - Jul 18 2015
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
$135 (GA); $250 (VIP)

2-Day General Admission
This Two-Day General Admission Pass allows you into the festival grounds on Friday, July 17, 2015 and Saturday, July 18, 2015. Kids 10 and under are free


Występuje (38)

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45 wybrało się

22 zainteresowane


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