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Maj 14

The Great Escape 2015

Występuje パスピエ, 18+ oraz 388 wykonawców więcej w Various Venues

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Czwartek 14 Maj 2015Sobota 16 Maj 2015


Various Venues
Brighton, United Kingdom

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The Great Escape (TGE) is a new music festival that showcases emerging artists from all over the world. Over 400 up and coming bands play in 35 Brighton venues, accessible on one wristband. It’s the first place to discover your new favorite band and see them in an intimate setting before they go on to headline major festival stages.

TGE is also attended by the music industry who are on the hunt for the next big thing. We run a convention alongside the gigs featuring insightful panels, topical debates, keynote speeches and networking opportunities in abundance.

The Alternative Escape, our Brighton Dome Shows, secret gigs, club nights and spontaneous collaborations all add the festivities and make this weekend in Brighton one not to miss.

Występuje (390)

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108 wybrało się

29 zainteresowanych


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