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Sty 17

Big Day Out

Występuje Arcade Fire, Beady Eye oraz 33 wykonawców więcej w Western Springs Stadium

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Piątek 17 Styczeń 2014Piątek 17 Styczeń 2014


Western Springs Stadium
Auckland, New Zealand

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Press Release:
This is going to be a big year. We have some amazing, world dominating artists in store for Big Day Out 2014.

We are absolutely over the moon to be back and have a brand new home at Auckland’s Western Springs. It’s no secret now but we’ve been working to transform this iconic city green space into the most incredible festival site ever experienced in Auckland.

New stages, new activities, nooks and crannies for you to discover. We have a lot to unveil. From the stadium where legends like Bob Marley have played to the park where we are laying out whole new Big Day Out zones and treats.

And stand by to snap up a Big Day Out Auckland early bird ticket when we go on sale – there will be only 10,000 of these tickets at a special price of $165 (booking fee inclusive), twenty dollars cheaper than the full price ticket.

Early bird tickets go on sale from bigdayout.com and ticketmaster.co.nz at 9am on Monday 12 August.

There's way too much news to share in one sitting. Looking forward to seeing you. Friday January 17th – Auckland Western Springs Stadium and Park We can’t wait. Big

Występuje (35)

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