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Cze 28

Kanrocksas Music Festival 2013


Występuje Action Bronson, Aer oraz 59 wykonawców więcej w Kansas Speedway

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Wydarzenie zostało odwołane.


Piątek 28 Czerwiec 2013Sobota 29 Czerwiec 2013


Kansas Speedway
400 Speedway Blvd, Kansas City, 6611, United States

Tel: (913) 328-3300


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Kup bilety


May 28th, 2013
Due to insufficient ticket sales, Midwest Music Festivals and Kansas Speedway have decided to cancel the 2013 Kanrocksas Music Festival scheduled for June 28th and 29th.
There are no plans to reschedule the event at this time.
The Kanrocksas authorized ticketing agent, ground(ctrl), will process all ticket refunds including service fees electronicly. Customers will receive an email Tuesday, May 28th informing them of the cancellation and when they can expect their refund.
For questions about refunds or to check the status of your refund please visit:
Sincere thanks from our entire event staff to those who supported the festival in 2011 and with advance tickets this year.
Kansas Speedway + MMF, LLC.

Występuje (61)

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28 wybrało się

23 zainteresowane


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