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Lip 24

Headbanger's Open Air

Występuje Abandoned, Amulance oraz 22 wykonawców więcej w Festivalgelände

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Czwartek 24 Lipiec 2008Sobota 26 Lipiec 2008


Schierenhöhe 13, Brande-Hörnerkirchen, 25364, Germany

Tel: +49 4127 929981

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Not for nothing the Headbangers´s Open Air is called "the biggest garden party of the world". It´s the 10th anniversary now to take place in Brande-Hörnerkirchen, near Elmshorn. The venue is the yard of a burnt down and restored farm in the middle of nowhere, where the organizer opens his garden every year again for the (at least in the spirit) long-haired hordes. The band choice at the HOA is diversified - starting with the legends from the 80s and 90s, over local heroes, insider tips and underground bands up to newcomers, who will also get their chances here. The only thing missing is expensive "headliners" to keep the gate-money as low as possible.
The stage is raised in the inner yard and the surrounding fields serve as parking lots and campgrounds. Beer- and BBQ-shacks, everything for normal prices, are provided for.

Występuje (24)

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